Category Archives: Other Writing Instruments

When highlighter ink is just too much


This is one of the nerdiest study tools I own, and I don’t know how I got along without it! The pentel multi8 is a leadholder that contains 8 different leads. Changing colors isn’t as easy as those multicolored pens, but it gets easier with practice. You have to press a button on the top of the pen (best to just turn the whole thing upside down amd press it down on the desk) to release the cluch on the current color and then dial up the new color and release the cluch again to let it slide into place.
Besides making textbook reading reminiscent of driving a manual transmission car, I love the highlighter colors! One of my pet peeves is that textbooks often have pages so thin that highlighters bleed through. Not so with these leads, since they are dry, there’s no annoying bleed through! The yellow, blue, and green leads are soft and apply a smooth saturated line onto glossy textbook paper. The red is a little chalky and the orange a little more so. Both red and orange don’t make quite as smooth a line on glossy paper as the other colors but it is still useable and the difference is not as noticable on notebook or copy paper.
If you’re into fancy study gadets or are looking for a great drylighter, this is a great pen to have.

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Filed under Fountain Pens, Other Writing Instruments